
Aron Andersson collection : European XVIIIth century porcelain

av Red.

Inbunden, 1984

Skick: begagnad, n, engelska.

75 kr

 I lager: 1 st   (Skickas inom 1-5 dagar)
600 g
22 x 22 cm
Fler böcker inom konsthantverk


Last spring Aron Andersson made a large donation to Nationalmuseum.
A collection of European 18th century porcelain is the most prominent
feature of the gift, which also includes Russian porcelain from the early
19th century, some objects of glass and silver, and textiles from the 18th
The magnificent present serves to turn the Museum's collection of
porcelain — one of the notable specialities that give the Department of
Applied Art its particular character — into a greater whole.
This book has been produced to celebrate Aron Andersson by making
the porcelain collection, so dear to him, known to other lovers of por-
celain. Aron Andersson himself also made a generous contribution to-
wards its publication.
Aron Andersson has always been in close touch with the Museum.
Some of his earliest friends and fellow-students likewise found their way
to Nationalmuseum. Two Netherlandish paintings are included in the
donation to commemorate Kjell Boström, a member of this circie and at
his untimely death a curator at the Department of Paintings and Sculp-
Our gratitude goes to Aron Andersson for his splendid donation. Not
just for the material values he has entrusted to the Museum but also
because, in doing so, he entitles us to treasure the memory of an unusually
wise, good and warm-hearted colleague.


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1 - 500g: 65kr
501g - 1000g: 79kr
1001g - 2000g: 109kr
över 2kg: 129kr
över 1000kr: Fraktfritt!

Alla priser anges inklusive moms.


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